(According to Tibetan calendar)
1/1 ~ 1/15 (rotation every year)
1st year: Chakrasamvara (Khorlor Dechok) Nectar Drupchen
2nd year: Red Avalokishraya Mani pills Drupchen
3rd year: Amitayu Four Rites Drupchen
2/1 ~ 2/7: Kagyi Drupchen For World Peace (7 days)
4/1 ~ 4/7: (Saka Dawa month) Hundred Deities Tsog offering & Changchog Puja (7 days)
5/1 ~ 5/5: Medicine Buddha Offering and Prayers for Getting Rid of Diseases (5 days)
6/10: Birthday of Guru Padma Sambhava - Great Drupchen and Varjra dance§
6/15 ~ 7/30: Summer retreat for monks (Yar-ney)
8/8 ~ 8/15 (rotation every year)
1st year: Amitayu Buddha Drupchen
2nd year: Medicine Buddha Drupchen
3rd year: Harya Griva (Tadrin) Drupchen
Solstice day: Kiliklaya Drupchen and Exorcist Rites For Obstacles-Removing
11/27 ~ 11/29 (rotation every year according to first lunar month's Drupchen): Exorcist Rites for New year
1st year: Rahur Guru Rinpoche Exorcist Rites
2nd year: Harya Griva (Tadrin) Exorcist Rites
3rd year: Chakrasamvara (Khorlor Dechok) exorcist rites
Every 15th and 30th of the month: Sojong (poṣadha)
Everyday : Offering to Guardian Deities for Sponsors